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Bad Road Causes Controversy

Bad Road Causes Controversy - Thursday, March 4, 2010 at 4:56PM EST

Thursday, Mar 4, 2010 @ 05:56pm EST
HEMLOCK TOWNSHIP, COLUMBIA COUNTY- An elderly couple in Columbia County says their calls for help to local officials are being ignored. They called the I-Team for help.

Alma and Joe Skopic, Hemlock Township, are both in their early 80's. They say Jacoby Road that leads to their home is dangerous. Poor drainage is leading to many problems. During the winter they say it's impassable. They insist the township is not maintaining the road and wants to close a portion of it that connects to nearby Route 42. They say it's a matter of safety.

Alma Skopic, Hemlock Township resident said, "Just to make it safe so we can get in and get out. If we need an ambulance you know, if it's all blocked up at the top we can't get in. What are we going to do?"

Hemlock Township officials told the I-Team they have vacated that road. They no longer control it. They say it would cost too much to repair and maintain based on the few people who use it. They insist the upper part of Jacoby Road is safe. The Skopics say they will take the matter to court.

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