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Beware of Magazine Scam in the Poconos

Beware of Magazine Scam in the Poconos - Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at 4:39PM EST

Reported by: Laurie Monteforte
Tuesday, Mar 11, 2008 @04:39pm EST
BARRETT TOWNSHIP - It's a scam going on all across the country - a fake magazine sales person convinces people to buy subscriptions but never delivers. Now local police departments say it's a growing problem in north east Pennsylvania.

You don't hear about much crime on the quiet streets of Barrett Township in Monroe County but that could be changing. Police say a fake magazine salesman recently hit at least three homes in the area.

"The tenants are purchasing magazines from the individual and they're not actually receiving the product," explained Barrett Township Police Chief Steven Williams.

The scam artist calls himself Ryan Essex. He tells his victims he is selling magazines to raise money for a local school. Then he has them write checks to FNT Incorporated or Always Helping People, LLC.

He then leaves a note on the victim's door. The chief said, "The stickers read bug off, Ryan was here first. Bounce."

People who live in the area say this is just another sign that the Poconos are changing.

"It's still a small community. It's still a good place to live and raise your kids but it's just different," said Esther Bender of Barrett Township.

WBRE met her at the Mountainhome diner. She told us she's lived in Barrett Township for thirty years. In the past decade she says people in the area have become more cautious.

Bender said, "There's so many people from the New York, New Jersey area that come here for the safety of their children but they seem to bring a lot of their bad things with them."

Others say they won't let a few bad incidents change their view. Julie Balog visits Barrett Township often. She said, "I think it's probably one bad apple. I don't think this is a bad area. This is a great area."

Police say if you do buy anything from a door to door salesperson be sure to ask for identification.

They say the scam artist is in a white male in his early 20s, he has light brown hair and a medium build. He is about six feet tall.

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