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Joe Maddon/Playoffs

Joe Maddon/Playoffs - Friday, October 3, 2008 at 01:03AM EST

Friday, Oct 3, 2008 @ 01:03am EST

Hazleton, Luzerne County -

Ron Maddon, Joe Maddon’s cousin, says “It's amazing. We knew some day he was going to do it."

A Hazleton native is a big hit in the major league baseball playoffs. Joe Maddon is the manager of the Tampa Bay Rays and this is his team’s first appearance in the post-season. Joe's family owns a popular lunch spot in Hazleton called the "Third Base".

Albina Maddon, Joe’s mother, says “I knew he could do it, I knew he could do it. He started at the bottom and there he is at the top."

There also hoping for a few wins to kick off the series against the Chicago White Sox.

David Mishinsa, Joe Maddon’s cousin, says “If they get past Chicago and they go on to wherever it would be nice. Joey said were here, lets just take it all the way and see what we can do."

Tom Poluka graduated high school with Joe and can remember eating lunch at third base. He says, “It is a nice feeling to have graduated with someone who is doing an outstanding job. I know even when he was with the Angel's they loved him over there.”

So now his fans say all they can do is wait and hope for the best. Joe's mother says they bring hoagies to the team whenever they are playing a game in New York or in driving distance.


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