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Keeping Fans Safe at the LLWS

Keeping Fans Safe at the LLWS - Monday, August 18, 2008 at 4:19PM EST

Reported by: Jeremy Deebel
Monday, Aug 18, 2008 @ 04:19pm EST
South Williamsport, Lycoming County- It's been an exciting first few days at the Little League World Series. Thousands of fans from around the world are in South Williamsport taking in the action.

We've said it before; the games are all about fun. But an often overlooked aspect is who's responsible for the safety of all these die hard fans?

Some of them are obvious. Uniformed security guards, local police officers and state troopers watch over fans as they make their way through the Little League International Complex.

But they're also working together with forces you may not see. Undercover agents from the F. B.I. and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives are also roaming the grounds.

Special Agent John Hageman explained, "A. T.F.'s major function is in sweeping for the presence of explosives. We want to ensure that there are no explosives on the property."

In addition to manpower, the A. T.F. agents here rely on resources such as surveillance cameras and bomb sniffing dogs like this guy, named Yoga.

Hageman noted, "They work through the stadium and the concessions areas, and then every truck that comes into the facility is swept for the presence of explosives."

Metal detectors were also added by Little League following 9/11.

Fans here say they appreciate the extra safety precautions. Dennis McClard, of New Jersey, said, "I think the security is adequate and I don't think the inconvenience is too much."

The A. T.F. is using what they call a soft presence here at the Little League World Series, which means you probably won't see any uniforms, badges, or weapons.

Their goal is to blend in as much as possible. Hageman added, "This experience should be one of fun for everyone here. It is not to be this overwhelming law enforcement presence. We're here to ensure a safe Little League World Series."

A. T.F. officials won't discuss how much manpower they have on hand here, but Agent Hageman says there are at least two canines in rotation pretty much around the clock at the Little League International Complex.

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