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Parishioners Speak Out About Scranton Diocese Settlement

Parishioners Speak Out About Scranton Diocese Settlement - Sunday, November 11, 2007 at 3:18PM EST

Reported by: Jill Konopka
Sunday, Nov 11, 2007 @03:18pm EST
(WILKES-BARRE, Luzerne County)

Days after the Scranton Diocese reached a $3,000,000.00 settlement in a federal lawsuit against a sexually abusive priest, parishioners, some at least are speaking out.

Most though did not want to comment about the case. After two days of testimony the Scranton Diocese had heard enough, before reaching a multi-million dollar federal civil settlement with its victim of priest sex abuse.

Magdalen Iskra is a devout Catholic with a lot of questions, "Why wasn't it stopped? Who was actually taking care of the diocese?"

Former Priest, Albert Liberatore, a tainted man of God was front and center of this covered up scandal.

Magdalen Iskra added, "You cannot hide matters like this. It's always going to come out some way or another." Iskra has attended Sacred Heart Church in North Wilkes-Barre all her life. She's saddened by the situation.

Iskra, "I don't know what will happen to the diocese. I don't know when this is going to end. Are there more going to come out?"

Still, much more forthcoming, "I'm not going to make a comment today, thanks.” "I don't know too much about it I’m sorry." Than fellow parishioners heading in to mass.

“I'm not interested in commenting." One church goer asked,” About what? Reporter Jill Konopka responded, ‘The church sex abuse settlement?

Earlier this week witnesses testified church leaders moved sexually abusive priests from one house of God to the next. In 2004 Liberatore pleaded guilty to sex crimes involving the victim in this case.

Sacred Heart Parishoner Kristen McCarroll "I think it's terrible that it happened and it’s probably right to the payout." Another Parishoner Walter Serefin, "It seems like everything's going down. That's what I believe. Something's wrong."

We got similar reaction. “No, I have no comment." "Would you mind if I just not." After mass at St. Mary's Church Of The Immaculate Conception.

Reporter Jill Konopka asked, “Did they discuss the issue at mass today? Joan Traglia, a Parishioner at St. Mary’s responded, "No, nothing was said."

"If anybody does lose their faith, it's ridiculous. People have their faults, priests or whoever,” replied John from Mountain Top. t three million dollars to save our church?"

Some parishioners did express concern with where the settlement money will come from. Earlier this week the Scranton Diocese assured WBRE News parish monies would not be used.

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